I love atheists because they don’t try to takeover the government to force their lack of beliefs on others.

@godpod but they all to often do try to force their lack of beliefs

@KeriC9 @godpod they argue in the face of religious bigotry which is different.

When an atheist is angry about a religious post dictating how someone lives. They are defending a freedom.

Atheists do not go door to door asking if you have heard of their lord and saviour "nobody" or have collection plates to spread the word of "nothing" it's a false equivalent.

@tootsnipe @godpod no, they tell me what to believe and I never push my religion on anyone so it's uncalled for.

@KeriC9 @tootsnipe @godpod I will fight for nought. I don't properly follow either. I don't know that context where you have felt pressured. But, it occurs to me that most persons, outgoing, passionate or all of the above, will seem to tell us what we"should" believe. If they asserted more than their passion, I am sorry. Is it possible it was a passionate soul? Or are we talking about bitter fiends?

@LoveGoodness @KeriC9 @godpod I personally will and I know others who will. Faced with for example people pushing pro life regulations motivated by Christian beliefs or LGBTQ+ Abuse motivated by Christian beliefs I will definitely move to tear down their god.

That being said I have never met an atheist who simply started telling people to be atheist without the other person initiating a faith orientated conversation. There is simply no trigger.

@LoveGoodness @KeriC9 @godpod based on your polite response apologising for their experience and asking what happened and my personal explanation as to when atheists battle. Being met with insults and aggression, I'm fairly certain the individual we attempted to have discourse with is not as neutral as they desired we viewed them. They were fairly fast to anger, when literally nobody said an atheist hadn't argued with them.


@LoveGoodness @KeriC9 @godpod I'm going to drop out of this conversation now I don't really want to get pulled into a toxic religious too and throw, if I wanted that I could be on the bird !!!!

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