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One of the most prominent Nazis around just waltzed in and had dinner with the Republican Party Leader, and not a single Republican has the courage to condemn it.

Proving once again when MAGAs got upset Biden called them "semi-fascist," they were upset he used the word "Semi."

Hey! #introduction

I am Software Manager/Engineer working for a small company in the UK. We mostly build industrial/lab focused products. #Flutter #Python

Have a PhD in Computer Science but my passion is building great software that people actually want to use!

Also enjoy #running, currently playing around with #rust also learning #japanese (#日本語) 私の日本語は下手です。

Looking forward to following interesting people!

#vim #books #tea #linux #cats

Thanks! ありがと。@nova for running the server!

Can we make #FollowBackFriday a thing on here (if it isn't already)? Everyone put a quick #introduction below, with pronouns if you can, and tell us a bit about yourself. Like, boost and follow as many people who reply as possible. Let's make meaningful connections away from the hell-site


Hey there! I'm Harrison, he/him.

I'm an #IndieDev, creator of Cat Herder, a puzzle game about literally herding cats!

I mostly post development updates and cute cat videos. Here's a link to my actual #introduction, if you're curious:


We're a group of #Wikipedians and self-described #openaccess nerds working to give more people the confidence to join the movement.

#Highered instructors use our free tools to have students edit Wikipedia as an assignment. Scholars take our #Wikidata & #Wikipedia courses to start their own projects and commune with fellow knowledge enthusiasts. And thousands take part in editing events through the Programs & Events Dashboard we help maintain.

We're happy to be here with you all!

Put simply, they only cared about our opinion over there because they were using it too. If they are not having access to this, we can hashtag all day and they won't even open the page.

There is a difference between letting a corporation use something and letting them run something and the moderation is important.

So that's about it. Why we think it's important to allow businesses to have a voice.

Show thread

Someone asked why we allow brands and promotion in our feeds. Some of the greatest things about the bird were. Small Businesses and Individuals met on the same platform as corporations giving them an equal ground but more importantly...

It allowed us on mass to hold business accountable. We took to their pages in protest! We changed the way their business operated by using the same platform they used to reach us! We became unignorable!

If we don't let them talk, they will no longer listen!

Just to put our users at ease, Snipesocial isn't going anywhere. For 9 years we have supported Diversity, equality and freedom and the millions of visitors every month are inside a strong self-funded ecosystem.

Snipe has opted to add to the vast network of mastodon sites to offer both our existing users and any users moving to mastodon the opportunity to use it with our long standing reputation and policies. Snipe itself is now 11 years old and here to help.

Might as well redo my #Introduction since it's been a while.

Hi! Name's Jessica, or Jess, or Jessie, or Swift Crescendo, or a number of other aliases I've used over the years. Great to meet y'all!

I'm a neurodivergent trans gal in tech, making her way through all this as best as any one person can.

My day job is as a penetration tester for a major consultancy in the US, with a dedicated focus on applications, which loosely means just about anything that uses HTTP as its transport protocol.

I believe in mentorship and standing on the shoulders of giants, giving credit where it is most due, and always taking the time to help those who will come after me.

I may not be perfect, but I try my best.

Outside of work, I am a pretty avid gamer, particularly in #ffxiv where I am honored to help run a large community, and in whichever other games catch my interest. Also love #ttrpgs, board games, and Magic the Gathering. Trying to get into Warhammer 40k, but it's fairly intimidating as a newbie.

I adore music: primarily classical, classic rock, and jazz, but if it sounds good I'll give it a listen. I sing, dabble in producing/composition, and would love to nerd out with you about music theory.

Yes, I still love my pastel-colored equines. Still trying (and failing) to write the next great #cyberpunk novel, and still get way too into my sports fandoms.

What to expect from me? Honestly...shitposting. I try to not take this social media thing too seriously after narrowly missing making a career out of it. Generally will post some musings on whatever's on my mind (including #infosec, but honestly not as much as I probably should)

Did I miss anything? Probably! Feel free to ask or just start a conversation if you've got something to say!

#introduction I’m Pat. I’m an anatomical and clinical #pathologist in the NYC metro area; I have an MD and am boarded AP/CP with sub specialty boards in #microbiology. I have interests in the pathology of #infectiousdisease and the #microbiome role in health and disease.

Hello people of Mastodon! Here's my #Introduction! :)

I'm Will. I live in Colorado. I've loved birds my whole life, but have only recently started #Birding seriously.

I like going on long hikes with my camera to see what I can find and photograph. I'll be posting pics of some of my wildlife encounters here.
🐦 🐿️ 🦌 🐤 🦅 🦉

Here's a Mountain Bluebird who was checking me out on a very windy day.
#Birds #WildlifePhotography

#introduction #electronica #darkwave Hello! I'm Cat Hall- a singer and lyricist for a mostly electronic band called Dissonance. We have a new album coming out on Dec 18th. :-) I hope you'll introduce yourselves to me so I can figure out how to follow you. Looking forward to getting to know you and this mastodon thing.

As I have so many new followers I thought a little intro might be good.

I am a sex blogger first and foremost. Been writing my blog coming up on 13 years. It is words but also lots of pictures that are 99% self portraits.

I am very in love with my husband @Signs We have a kinky D/s thing. We've been married 11 years but together 13 yrs. He is a Murrican who left the USA to come be here in the UK with me. As a result I speak both US English & Brit English 😂


#introduction, again because I changed servers.

I am a Mum, a Wife and a dog lover. I was single, working in IT and running my own business when life took a turn in 2008 after getting glandular fever. I was forced to slow down and medically retire. I ended up being diagnosed with #mecfs #POTS and #fibromyalgia. I am mostly homebound and at times bedridden.

My loves are my dogs, my veggie and herb garden, cooking and wordle.

Official #Introduction post

Hey all! I'm Aakosir, a Panromantic furry Momma in my 30s, SplinterFox fursuiter, candle and soap artisan, small business owner, nature loving leftist pagan, beginner homesteader and ex Vet tech. My goal is to have a mostly self sustaining ranch in Colorado or similar state, with animal therapy camps and sessions.
My fursuit is of Kamilla, my alt werewolf fursona.
I have several socials so you might know me from elsewhere.


My name is Josh. In addition to what's in my bio, I'm a band geek, a Trekkie, a MSTie, a sports fan (mostly Miami and Detroit teams), former sports announcer, occasional party DJ, political junkie, map geek, amateur city planner, and future collector of traffic control devices (it's an expensive hobby). I'm your standard-issue cishet white dude, and I proudly stand up for my LGBTQIA+ and POC loved ones.

:transgender_flag: rights are inherent.

Came here from the bird site!
Even if it doesn't die I think I'll stick around cause this place seems to align with my lefty values much more.

I am mainly focused on spreading the gospel of the mechanical expression of videogames. My Youtube channel is mostly devoted to that.

These two are the best examples of my work:

Otherwise, you can expect me to post about:
#politics #gamedesign #popculture #socialism

I'm going to make this my #introduction Toot. My name is Matthew and I was born and live in England, though I've also lived in #France and traveled widely.

I'm an #Anarchist #Buddhist - two things that might not seem obviously related, yet in truth they are. I care deeply for people and planet: #inequality and #ClimateJustice are two sides of one coin. We must find a new narrative, a new social contract. We have to learn to live in #peace.

We must engage with current #social, #economic, and #political paradigms and seek to reimagine them to be fit for purpose, because currently they are not.

Extractive patriarchal capitalism is destroying the #ecosphere, and our communities. #ClimateChange is a symptom, not the problem. The symptom will only alleviate when the problem is addressed.


Polishgirl in Berlin. For rent and food I do translation EN to DE and PL to DE.
However, I got there via freelance journalism and those roots still hold. I rarely say no to an interesting article request if it comes from one of the newspapers I wrote for or a comparable one.

When the world seems cold and cynical, I grab myself a fresh canvas. Paintings on erfasert and pixelfed.

Interests: Climate, Energy (solar), fight against the rise of fashism. May contain traces of dog pics

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SnipeSearch Toot

Snipesearch toot was created after a number of individuals reported they were having accounts limited. These were typically self-employed individuals' self-promoting or Adult workers.