adult content 

How fast can natali chug a beer? This question / Challenge has been posed a few times, so watch the video to see the answer. Do you have a challenge you want to see me complete? Send it in! For Science!

Wait - if Sherlock Holmes is now out of copyright, can we finally make this TV series for real?

adult content 

I will be your good girl so come and treat your cock 💓 👉👌😚


“Shopping? Today? What are you, Ferengi?”

[One thousand years of silence]

adult content 

Live show Archive - 17 September 2019 - (2019-09-17 00-13-01)

Landed in Austin, Texas, US. Apx. flt. time 9 Hours : 19 Mins.

4,906 mile (4,263 NM) flight from LTN to AUS

Flight Fuel Info
~ 4,690 gallons (17,754 liters).
~ 31,433 lbs (14,258 kg) of jet fuel used.
~ $29,735 cost of fuel.
~ 50 tons of CO2 emissions.

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Can today get any better!

Judge strips Alex Jones of bankruptcy protections for $1.5 billion Sandy Hook debt

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SnipeSearch Toot

Snipesearch toot was created after a number of individuals reported they were having accounts limited. These were typically self-employed individuals' self-promoting or Adult workers.