One of the things I keep hearing here, over and over, is that "new" people on this platform shouldn't complain about things they find confusing or that don't meet their needs.

That's exactly wrong. New users, who've not yet adapted themselves to possibly unworkable or inscrutable interfaces and limitations, are often in a unique position to have insights that old hands can no longer see.

Perhaps you're tired of hearing the same complaints over and over. But think about why people make them.

You're not doing the developers any favors when you tell new users to shut up. You're stifling a unique source of important feedback for them.

And yes, I'm an arrogant bastard who thinks his opinions and experience might have value. You should be, too.

I’m a well-known white guy with a pretty deep technical background. If people are saying “shut up, newbie” when I comment on things I find confusing or difficult here, imagine what they’re saying to members of marginalized communities.


@mattblaze no idea how I hadn't heard of you until this week (unless I had and the memory degradation is speeding up, but that's another story) but I agree. This platform and system is amazing in so many ways, but there are also lots of little things that I found unusual or problematic. I love the idea people can't inject adds into the feed or manipulate algorithms. I hate I can't have a support us banner in the side bar. Servers are expensive.

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@mattblaze I only have a few users actually on my instance, but I have already had a number of messages asking how certain things work.

On the whole this is an amazing system. But there is room for improvement.

I am so used to Twitter I am now going to sit here waiting for people to come for my blood for my opinion.

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SnipeSearch Toot

Snipesearch toot was created after a number of individuals reported they were having accounts limited. These were typically self-employed individuals' self-promoting or Adult workers.